People say that if you're a wiccan then you must worship the devil or you must be into demonic things. Well I know it's far from true when people say those things. I am not someone who is a full wiccan, I do have a pendulum and believe in saging my house as well as everything supernatural thing that comes along with it. However, I do not even attempt to mess with the things that some wiccans do. For example I have, and never will, touch a Ouija board in my life. I don't feel like opening the door for any supernatural being to cross into our world and wreak havoc on mine, or someone else's, life. It's an odd thing to think about because there are things in my life that I have experienced that led me to the point I am now. Where I believe in these supernatural things. When I was nine years old I shared a room with my sister and we had these bunk beds and no matter how much I begged her she always got the bottom bunk. Our room was so small that the only window we had was right over our bed, meaning my head was directly in front of it. The window was the only thing I liked about the top bunk because I was young I needed help falling asleep and something about looking out the window into our back yard helped me fall asleep. Eventually my sister let me have the bottom bunk and I was so happy to finally experience something new. Not even a week after we switched she was asleep on the top bunk and I was laying with my head at the foot of the bed right across from the door. At the time our house was set up where we had no door and as soon as you walked into our room you turned to the right and there would be a hallway that led to a bathroom door and then my brothers room, which didn't have a door either. While I was laying on my stomach trying to find a way to fall asleep I heard someone walk from my brothers room, down the hall and then stop right in front of where my head was. There was no one there and I wasn't scared until I heard the feet turn around back towards the hallway and then the light went out and I felt that something wasn't right. I screamed and buried my head into the pillow when my dad came running into my room asking what was wrong. All I could do was point and he woke my brother up and yelled at him for turning the light off when I was scared of the dark. My dad is one of those dad's that is too naive to realize I'm not scared of the dark, I'm scared of whats in the dark. And my brother didn't turn off that light, something I couldn't see did. The next day I convinced my sister to switch back and she agreed. That night I did was I usually did, I stared out the window waiting to get tired in order to fall asleep when I heard a noise in the doorway. I looked hoping to see my brother or maybe my mom standing in the doorway. Instead I saw nothing just like the night before. So, I looked back out the window and as soon as I did I made eye contact with a man who had scars on his face and what looked like a cage over his head. I was terrified so I buried my face into the pillow, but I didn't scream this time. When I had the courage to look up I watched as the man walked away. From that point on my life was different. I could feel the presence of someone or something everywhere I went. I could see things that others could not, but thankfully it was only when no one wasn't around. When I was going into seventh grade my parents got a house in another town and we moved there. I instantly knew there was something in the house. Through my time living here I have seen a cowboy in my hallway, heard a little girl giggling as she played with my nieces toys, heard walking, been terrified by the door opening up and slamming, coward in my sleep under the blankets in fear I would wake up with bruises, seen a teenage boy in a white t shirt and jeans run through my yard everyday, have things be in a different place when I leave and come back, realize I'm being watched by a black shadow man that my best friend has seen twice and finally saw something crawl on my ceiling into my closet to not be seen again. I know most people, if not all, would not believe the things I mention because even I know they sound crazy. But through it all I have learned a lot. I stopped praying to God and stopped believing that my religion was Christian. I became someone who believed a little of most religions and took those, turning them into a new religion that only I believe in because no one else understands my point of view. About two months ago I saged my house and I had purchased a pendulum in March. Since then I haven't had anything bad happen in my house, only minor things like walking or scratching. And I'm okay with that for now. I don't feel so crazy.


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